Wednesday 15 June 2016

100 word challenge

I’m sitting in my car going to watch a movie. I reach the cinema. I Start to watch the movie. In the middle of the movie the P.E teacher blew the whistle. And Everyone in the cinema became deaf And couldn't hear any more whistles. Some people were saved because they Covered their ears.So they ran out of the cinema.They went to the train and then the man goes to the airport.Then the p.e teacher apears at the airport .And then he sits in the airaplane.And Goes to a new contury. He took his whistle with him.

Friday 3 June 2016

The Statue Story

The man sat down on the bench. He started to read his story. He saw a statue. Nothing too exciting. He got back to his book. A bus came.The statue got up and hopped on.The man watched on and he was frightened .Then a new statue came and sat down right beside him. He Was surprised and shocked.The statue looked old. It was made of gold The man looked at the statue and he thought if it is a fake gold or real gold. He tried to break the statue. “Stop!” it yelled. The statue was crying.